How to choose a DSLR and learn to take great photos!

How to choose a DSLR and learn to take great photos!

A complete step-by-step video guide for beginners, from which you will learn how to take excellent photographs with your SLR or pseudo-SLR camera without attending expensive courses or reading thick tutorials. And also how to choose the right SLR camera, optics and all kinds of accessories.

I present to you my new training video course.

“Digital SLR for a beginner: 2.0: From beginner to professional”

Here's what exactly this video course will give you:

01. Using simple visual examples, you will learn all the most important fundamentals of photography, without which many novice photographers, trying to learn how to photograph, immediately reach a dead end and then stagnate in one place, wasting precious time.

02. You will freely understand all components of digital SLR cameras and use its capabilities 100%. I’ll tell you a secret, not everyone knows how to control their camera even 20%.

03. You will be able to masterfully use manual shooting modes. And let those who don’t care about the quality of their photos shoot automatically.

04. Learn various photography techniques and tricks. This will allow you to get high-quality photographs.

05. Learn important composition skills and tricks so you can apply them with ease. Because it is not enough to know how to use a camera competently, if your photographs do not have the slightest artistic component, then all the work can go to waste.

06. Learn to analyze your surroundings to successfully frame a photograph. Because pictures taken “from the shoulder”, without thinking, are most often unsuccessful.

07. You will become savvy in photo optics, and you will not have questions like this. "Which lens to buy for wedding photography". or . “What focal lengths will be in demand on my vacation trip” and the like.

08. Gain the essential skills of testing lenses before purchasing. It is very important to be able to check the optics before saying the word “I’ll take”, which is cherished for the seller. Undoubtedly, according to the law, you can then exchange a low-quality copy, but what happens if you notice this while at a paid photo session somewhere in the mountains? In addition, there are also some unpleasant things that are not considered a defect, but fortunately you will be notified about them and will be able to cut off such a lens before purchasing.

09. You can’t put a DSLR camera and optics in your pocket, so you need to be able to choose a reliable case for it, preferably with rain protection and other simple accessories that help fight condensation, etc. Such questions will no longer concern you. Also be savvy in choosing tripods and other necessary accessories.

10. You can’t put a DSLR camera and optics in your pocket, so you need to be able to choose a reliable case for it, preferably with rain protection and other simple accessories that help fight condensation, etc. Such questions will no longer concern you. You will also be savvy in choosing tripods and other necessary accessories.

11. You can use the built-in and external flash wisely to get correctly exposed and beautiful pictures.

12. Learn to work with the RAW format from the additional bonus video course, and you will immediately understand what the maximum quality of photos is and will no longer shoot in JPG.

. And that’s not all that this video course will give you. ALL THEORETICAL LESSONS ARE SUPPORTED BY PRACTICAL LESSONS.

Choosing the best camera for a beginner photographer

You are a beginner photographer. Perhaps you already have experience shooting with a pocket camera - a point-and-shoot camera - or even an Instagram account with a good hundred subscribers, where you post photos taken on a smartphone. But at some point, you may want more: take up creative photography, try to make money doing wedding photography, or simply get high-quality images in conditions that your equipment cannot cope with. One way or another, your path to great photography lies through the store where you come to buy a real, serious, professional camera. And here…

However, there may be many options for the development of events: you can buy a SLR camera for professionals, take a camera offered by a sales consultant, you can wait with the final choice and, bogged down in reading endless reviews, wait for the release of a new mythical camera without flaws. But we offer a simpler solution: after testing many cameras, talking with hundreds of amateur photographers, and carefully reading the prices on the market, we have selected for you three models that are ideal as a camera for a novice photographer. Why them? We will talk about this in our article. However, you can just scroll to the bottom of the page and see these cameras.

Read also:

First, let's decide which camera to choose, what functions you will need to learn photography and creative photography. The first is manual settings . The camera must have them. Moreover, all manual settings should be at hand and easily accessible. Therefore, we sweep away all the “soap boxes” at once. Cheap compact cameras most often do not have the ability to manually set basic parameters.

Compact cameras are convenient and easy to use, but do not provide the same creative potential as DSLRs

The second is the ability to shoot with a blurred background . Separating the main subject from the background and foreground using a shallow depth of field is a very common artistic technique that should be in any photographer's arsenal. But it’s not possible to get such blur in a frame with every camera. What is important first of all is the size of the image sensor - matrix. The bigger it is, the better. SLR cameras traditionally use large matrices: 24x36 mm or APS-C format (approximately 23.5 x 15.6 mm). Hence the reputation of cameras with high-quality images that have been assigned to DSLRs. But here are the roots of one popular misconception: the mirror itself in the design of a SLR camera does not in any way affect the image quality, but is only needed for the operation of the optical viewfinder.

SLR camera. The cross-section reveals a large matrix hidden behind the mirror. The mirror is only needed for the optical viewfinder to work

Therefore, in our list of the best cameras for a beginning photographer, in addition to classic SLR cameras, I would also add a much newer type of camera - compact system cameras with interchangeable lenses , they are also called mirrorless cameras .

Mirrorless cameras have a large matrix, work with interchangeable lenses, but are more compact than DSLRs

And since we’re talking about interchangeable optics, let’s say a few words about it. In both DSLRs and mirrorless cameras, the quality of the future photo depends at least 50% on the lens used. Moreover, it is the installed lens that determines how much the camera will zoom in or out of the image (read the article “Choosing the right lens for the camera”). The term “zoom” is not used at all in relation to such cameras. You can additionally buy and install almost any lens on your camera. There are lenses for macro photography, lenses for portraits, telephoto lenses for shooting distant objects... There are huge opportunities for further development here. But we will return to choosing the first lens a little later in other articles, but for now let’s look at choosing a camera model.

Interchangeable optics make it possible to shoot any scene in any situation

Professional, semi-professional and amateur models

All SLR and mirrorless cameras can be safely divided into three groups: “professional”, semi-professional and “amateur”. Having a large budget for purchase, you just want to choose something professional. But to cool your ardor, I will draw an analogy with the world of cars. In this comparison, a professional camera is closest to heavy trucks, excavators and dump trucks, and not at all to luxury SUVs and sports cars. It is as difficult to master as an excavator. Its main disadvantage is the impossibility of obtaining high-quality results without special skills.

Professional DSLR Canon EOS 1D X

Professional DSLR Nikon D4S

And the point here is not even about specific functions - all cameras shoot according to the same principles , using the same functions. Simply, the controls of professional and semi-professional cameras are designed for experienced photographers. Each important function is assigned its own button or lever, and settings are changed by simultaneously pressing the corresponding button and rotating a specific selector. That is, you need to know not only where to access a certain function, but also in what cases to use this or that setting. Once I sat in the cabin of a modern construction crane - the same feeling: hundreds of buttons and levers, and it was not at all clear what they were needed for.

You will have to control a professional or semi-professional camera using many buttons and selectors

“SLR cameras for amateurs” are an analogue of ordinary passenger cars. They are easier to operate, and the image quality is no worse. Moreover, the matrix responsible for the quality of photographs can very often be the same in an amateur and semi-professional camera. This type of technology also has its own premium class - this is an analogue of expensive cars. But we will talk about such cameras in another article. Today we choose a really high-quality camera for reasonable money.

Amateur DSLR interface

How to save money on buying a camera?

Getting more and paying less is so nice! When purchasing a camera, there are several ways to save ten to fifty percent of the cost. How? Very simple! The first way is to buy a second-hand camera, even if it’s not a new one. I don't recommend this method. The fact is that even an experienced specialist will not be able to identify possible problems in the camera in a limited time - this is such a complex technique. Repairing even a small malfunction is most often carried out in a very radical way - by replacing half of the chamber's filling, which, together with the cost of the work, turns out to be very, very expensive.

Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary problems, it is better to buy a camera new, in a store, with an original warranty card . And the only safe way to save money is to buy a model not of the latest model series, but of the previous one. Most often, such cameras differ only in some additional functionality and are very similar in image quality and set of basic functions. The difference in price can be noticeable.

Prophotos recommends

We took into account all the factors described above and selected three models of cameras “for beginner photographers”, which today provide the best quality photos, are not overpriced and are simple and easy to use. Choose the one you like best!

SLR camera for the beginning photographer

Last update: 2019-10-24.

Introduction: To avoid questions in advance on the topic: “why do you recommend this camera and not the one that has more megapixels?”, I advise you to first read the article about “megapixels in a camera or how to take sharp pictures.”

Where to start choosing your DSLR camera?

Rule #1. The size of the camera and its weight are more important than megapixels (read the introduction)! If a large and heavy SLR camera is bought for a fragile girl, she will either drop it and break it, or will curse the day when she was given the SLR. And exactly the opposite, if a man buys a small and light camera, he will also drop it and curse everything; a man’s hand will have a larger grip and a larger camera will fit in his hand like a glove. Neither a girl with a large camera, nor a man with a small one (sorry 🙂) will be able to enjoy shooting and will not be able to take good photographs - this is terribly inconvenient.

Rule #2. There is never too much money to buy a DSLR! Minimum budget 25,000-30,000 rubles. It is necessary to split the available amount into two parts. One part of the money will go to buy the camera itself, and the other part of the money will go to buy the lens. Resign yourself to the fact that once you buy a SLR camera, you will continue to buy new optics. Before it’s too late, you can stop here and stop reading further :)

Rule #3. If you decide to continue reading, but still don’t have enough money, then it is better to sacrifice the functionality of the camera for the sake of optics, or postpone the purchase. There is no point in buying a DSLR with bad optics! Then it’s better to buy a point-and-shoot camera that’s two or three times cheaper and get exactly the same quality photos as on a DSLR with poor optics. So, Rule No. 3 says - optics are more important than the camera!

Let's sum up the intermediate results:
1) the size and weight of the camera are more important than its megapixels;
2) you need at least 25,000 - 30,000 rubles for a DSLR with a lens, if you don’t have enough, then it’s better to buy a point-and-shoot camera or save up;
3) optics are more important than a camera; you can save money on a camera, but not on optics.

If you have the money, your determination to buy is fueled by the upcoming holidays, the exchange rate of the ruble, the desire to shoot a masterpiece, or you’ve just long dreamed of changing your avatar to a cool self-portrait, then move on.

Canon or Nikon?

This is the question of all questions, causing heated battles among modern photographers on photo platforms and on social networks. And really, which is better?

Rule #4. There is no difference between Canon and Nikon cameras! Of course, there is a difference in the menu settings and controls, and the zoom on the optics rotates differently, but for the photographer, this is a matter of taste and habit. Apart from the optical system, Canon and Nikon cameras cannot affect the quality of photographs in any way. In other words, you can choose both Nikon and Canon for yourself without regard to the opinion of “professionals”.

The only problem you may encounter later is the price difference between similar lenses in terms of characteristics. Nikon lenses cost 10-20% more than similar ones from Canon, but these are professional optics and you may not need them right away.

Kit or Body? And what's the difference?

The difference is in the configuration of the purchased photographic equipment and in the marketing manipulations of sellers in collusion with camera manufacturers, inclining you to a thoughtless purchase here and now. On the one hand, the seller imposes on you something that you most likely would never buy, but the offer is very tempting (the Kit costs less than a full-fledged combination of camera + lens), on the other hand, the manufacturer of photographic equipment hooks you on their brand for relatively little money and forces you to pay for an unnecessary accessory - a Kit lens, which in 90 cases out of 100 will end up on the shelf and will never be used.

A Kit usually consists of a camera (Body) plus the cheapest lens that will allow you to take photos as soon as you leave the store. The quality of pictures taken with such a lens is no different from the quality of pictures from a point-and-shoot camera. Exceptions include kit sets of professional photographic equipment, but there the price tag is completely different.

The Body kit contains only one camera without a lens, you won’t be able to shoot with this kit, and good optics are expensive, which creates a psychological barrier and you agree to the seller’s persuasion to buy the Kit and start taking photos right away. This is the marketing trick.

Rule #5. Kit doesn't make sense to buy. Even if the seller assures you that today, exactly for you, the store is holding a promotion and giving a second lens as a gift along with the Kit kit. These are all fairy tales: either the price of the second lens is 3 kopecks and you don’t need it, or this second lens is already included in the price of the Kit and you are being scammed. Don't give in to persuasion and take Body

By the way, there are funny cases when Kit costs less than Body. There are no miracles. This is most reminiscent of an outright scam and in the whale they are trying to sell you a used camera, or a refurbished one after repair, or simply stolen.

So which lens should you buy first?

Rule #6. You should always start with a lens whose focal length is fixed and equal to 50 mm with an f/1.8 aperture! There are many reasons for this, both optical-technical and financial. Just believe me - this is so and this is dogma! Now let’s not go into the scientific jungle; in more detail about these lenses in Canon and Nikon, you can read user reviews: Canon 50 mm f/1.8, Nikon 50 mm f/1.8. For very little money you will get very good results.

Then, if you don’t give up photography, you will have other lenses, you will want to have different lenses to have more opportunities to shoot in different genres, but the basic fifty-kopeck lens should be the first. Photos taken with this lens will almost always be sharp and with blurry backgrounds, whether you're shooting in the kitchen or outdoors.

Which store should I buy the camera from and at what price?

Rule #7. Don't chase goods in stores with the cheapest prices, you will most likely run into problems later. There is a lot of refurbished photographic equipment on the market after repair, a lot of used equipment that they try to pass off as new, and a lot of stolen equipment. The lowest price tag even in a decent store with a name is a reason to think about it. You can always get a price guide for any product in Yandex.Market, and at the same time read reviews about stores.

Having a store in Yandex.Market does not provide a complete guarantee, but it can save you from trouble. The history of the store must be at least a year or more, there must be 1000 reviews or more, and the average rating is 4. Some laudatory reviews should alert you, as well as a large number of negative reviews without a manager’s response to each situation.

So which camera should you buy?

Let’s summarize and move on to practice, if you’ve read this far! Let's say you have an amount of 25,000 rubles or more and you are ready to start spending money on a DSLR, but you don’t know what to choose - Canon or Nikon? Classic situation. We go to the nearest photographic equipment store, where more than 2-3 cameras from both companies (Nikon and Canon) are available. We select two cameras from each manufacturer by eye (one larger, the other smaller), take them in our hands and decide on the size, weight and ergonomics based on how they feel - comfortable/inconvenient. For a small, graceful hand, smaller cameras will be more comfortable; a larger hand will have a larger grip, and a larger camera will fit more confidently in the hand.

Having decided on convenient sizes, leave only two cameras of the same size Nikon and Canon, ask the seller to attach 50 f/1.8 lenses to the cameras. (If he says that there are none, then you can immediately turn around and leave, after remembering the brands of cameras you like. Now you need to find a store that will have the 50 f/1.8 Nikon and Canon cameras and lenses you previously selected).

Once you find a store with the cameras you need, ask the salesperson to attach 50 f/1.8 lenses to the cameras, set the settings to Av, ISO:100, f/1.8, RAW+JPEG, and take test shots with both cameras the same object from different angles on your flash drive! Definitely on your flash drive! The fact is that you will need to carefully view the received footage at home, in a quiet environment, on your computer.

As soon as you complete these procedures, you will have an idea of ​​“your personal DSLR” - this will be the one, the treasured one, which is convenient, shoots sharply, and conveys the correct colors. Now you will know exactly the brand and the size and weight of the camera that is convenient for you. All that remains is to decide on the model and price. For camera models like the one you like, both Canon and Nikon have at least 2-3 options in different price ranges, and among them you will have to make the final choice.

Let's say you liked the Canon 700D, but the price is too high for you; in exactly the same body you can buy: Canon 500D, Canon 550D, Canon 600D, Canon 1100D, Canon 1200D, etc. With Nikon the story is the same. If your budget allows and you need special refinements in the functionality of the camera, then the camera will be more expensive. If you just need to take good photos, then take a model that is not the newest and not the most sophisticated. Believe me, all this modern functionality has almost no effect on picture quality, and you can shoot real masterpieces with any simple DSLR complete with a 50 f/1.8 lens. Cheap and cheerful! 🙂

PS If you still have questions, write to me by email, I will try to help you.

UPD. My colleagues suggested one more point to me, which I forgot to mention, if most of your friends have Nikon cameras, then you should pay attention to this company, because you can rent any Nikon optics from your friends, the same addition applies to Canon.

Take Great Pictures - Best DSLR Cameras for Beginners

A digital reflex camera, or “DSLR,” isn’t just about a ton of lenses, accessories, and a steep price tag. DSLRs give greater control and precision in every aspect of the entire photography process, easily surpassing compact cameras and smartphones in any specification. Here are the best DSLR cameras according to TehnObzor.

However, although established manufacturers such as Nikon and Canon offer DSLR cameras for $8,000 or more, the best DSLR cameras are still aimed at the hands of novice photographers with entry-level alternatives.

The best DSLR cameras - Selection

Beginner DSLRs are not as expensive, but have much of the same functionality - fast focus and shutter speed, interchangeable lenses, overall improved image quality, etc. - and are much more affordable for the average consumer.

There are many budget camera options to choose from. We have selected the best DSLR cameras for beginners that are not that expensive but very functional.

Nikon D5500

Even though Nikon's D5500 is one of the more expensive entry-level DSLRs on our list, its features still make its premium price quite reasonable, especially for first-time buyers looking to afford something more rugged. Nikon D5500 has Wi-Fi data transfer to transfer photos to your smartphone. Nikon has also managed to remove some of the weight and size compared to the D5300, although it's barely noticeable. ISO sensitivity has increased to 25600, but for the most part, the D5500 is a minor upgrade from the D5300. Both use a 24.2-megapixel APS-C CMOS sensor without an optical low-pass filter, a 39-point autofocus system, and a 3.2-inch vari-angle LCD screen, larger than the display that graced previous versions cameras

The D5500 shoots Full HD video 1080p at 50/60p. This means that your video will be shot in 1080p high definition, and 50 or 60 frames per second depending on the selected mode. You also have the option of shooting high quality, slow motion footage. Ideal for short videos, the D5500 records the highest quality video up to 10 minutes. Combines the above video capabilities with a high quality LCD touch screen.

Tip: It's worth noting that the D5300 is still available, and costs less than the D5500.

Canon EOS Rebel T6

The Canon EOS Rebel T6 is a minor update to the T5, which has long been the best-selling DSLR. Not only is it one of the most affordable DSLRs, it is also one of the most user-friendly. Intelligent Auto mode combines technologies from many of Canon's flagship cameras in single-shot mode. It uses the device's Automatic Lighting Optimizer, Picture Style Auto, Auto Focus, Auto White Balance and Auto Shutter components to get the best possible "shot". Face capture and bright colors with high contrast images will allow even novice photographers not to worry about changing a bunch of settings.

The Canon EOS Rebel T6 has an updated image processor (from DIGIC 4 to DIGIC 4+), a stronger auto white balance system, increased resolution on the 3-inch LCD display (from 460,000 to 920,000 pixels), added modes for food photography, and, perhaps most importantly, Wi-Fi and NFC.

The EOS Rebel T6 also includes five different filters to give your photos some unique properties, as well as Basic+ and Creative Auto modes. The latter feature allows you to change various graphic effects, environments and scene types with ease using the camera's Quick Control Screen. Creative Auto allows you to gain a deeper understanding of more complex camera functions. All settings work as if they were set to auto, but the camera explains how various visual changes can be implemented to affect your photos.

The Canon EOS Rebel T6's reasonable price and impressive feature set make it a top choice for beginner photographers, and while the camera still isn't quite on par with Nikon's entry-level offerings, it still delivers strong performance across the board. Canon lenses are some of the best in the industry.

Tip: Since the T6 and T5 aren't much different, if you're willing to give up Wi-Fi, you can choose the T5 and save money.

Pentax K-50

Most entry-level DSLRs sacrifice advanced features to keep their price down. However, the Pentax K-50 has found a way to include most of them in an affordable offering. Equipped with a 16.3-megapixel APS-C sensor and Pentax Prime-M processor, the K-50 produces high-quality images. The camera boasts fast, continuous shooting at 6 fps, and a sensitive ISO of 51,200 for low-light shooting. Additionally, the K-50 shoots video in full 1080p HD at up to 30 frames per second. Two physical dials allow for quick exposures and parameter control. Pentax also includes the K-30's excellent optical viewfinder and 11-point autofocus with subject tracking.

The Pentax K-50 features Pentax's patented 81-point sealing design that will protect it from rain, snow or other adverse weather conditions (it is not waterproof, so don't go swimming with it). However, the K-50 is one of the most unique cameras on our list.

Pentax offers the commendable DSLR in over 120 different color options, giving users the opportunity to choose their personal style.

Canon EOS Rebel SL1

Canon EOS Rebel SL1 is one of the smallest and lightest DSLRs on the market. Its dimensions are significantly smaller than the Rebel T5, but the SL1's smaller size doesn't mean performance is sacrificed. With a new design and an 18-megapixel CMOS sensor, fast DIGIC 5 image processor, the Canon EOS Rebel SL1 impresses with clear and crisp photos. Its ISO—ranging from 100 to 12,800 for photos and 100 to 6,400 for video—allows for great low-light shooting, even without flash. In addition, the camera has high speed, continuous shooting at 4fps and uses shooting speeds up to 1/4000 per second to help capture beautiful action shots.

When shooting video, the SL1 captures full 1080p HD video at 30 frames or full 720p HD at 50 frames per second. Canon has also included manual exposure and focus adjustment, Live View functionality, and the ability to edit clips on the camera itself. She'll even take videos that are 2, 4, or 8 seconds long before combining them into one album video. Its built-in attenuator also helps reduce audio clipping during recording.

Although the Canon EOS Rebel SL1 has a standard 3-inch LCD screen, the display uses the same technology found in modern smartphones. Plus, the SL-1 features an Intelligent Auto mode similar to the Rebel T5, combining many of Canon's photo technologies to help you capture the best photos and videos in any situation.

Nikon D3300

Nikon's D3300 does almost everything the D5300 can (with a few exceptions), and it's $150 cheaper because it lacks Wi-Fi, built-in GPS, and a 3.2-inch screen (this one has a 3-inch screen).

With the Nikon D3300, users have the ability to take stunning 24.2 megapixel photos, and even have the ability to add unique special effects. When video is required, the 3300 shoots full 1080p HD video in beautiful color, and even softly blurs the background to help focus on what you're recording. Nikon has made it possible to take the D3300 anywhere by making it incredibly compact and lightweight.

Although this model does not have built-in Wi-Fi, Nikon offers an optional WU-1a wireless adapter that plugs easily into the camera to provide wireless connectivity. Also, the D3300 is capable of applying many interesting special effects and filters. With a low price and excellent functionality, Nikon's D3300 has established itself as one of the best entry-level DSLR cameras.

Canon EOS Rebel T6i

The T6i should not be confused with the T6. Despite the similar model number split, the T6i is a much more powerful camera that matches Nikon's D5500.

The Canon EOS Rebel T6i comes with an 18-55 lens kit, and a 24.2 megapixel APS-C sensor - Canon's highest currently - and a newer Digic 6 image processor that delivers a responsive 5 frames frame. Hybrid CMOS AF III autofocus is very fast, but only has 19 AF points and a maximum shutter speed of 1/4000 second.

Despite this, the T6i is a very capable camera, very fast for an entry-level DSLR, and like the rest of the Rebel series. The quality of the photos is simply top notch. The ISO sensitivity range is 100-12,800, up to ISO 6400 with little noticeable noise. If we had to replace any component of this camera, it would be the small viewfinder, and the fact that it can only shoot Full HD 1080 video at 30p. Also note that the T6i has a twin brother called the T6s. They're identical in specs, but the T6s has a few feature-centric features, such as a monochrome LCD screen on the top.

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How to choose a DSLR and learn to take great photos!

Forum / Advice for beginners from experienced ones / Please advise which DSLR to choose for a beginner?

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1 Topic from dima_paschina 12/10/2012 00:36:56

  • dima_paschina
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  • Topic: Please advise which DSLR to choose for a beginner?

    Nikon D3100 or Canon EOS 1100?

    2 Reply from Lupus 12/10/2012 01:43:01

    • Lupus
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    • Re: Please advise which DSLR to choose for a beginner?

      Of these two, technically Nikon D3100 will be stronger

      3 Reply from Dotsenko Artem 12/10/2012 12:41:25

      • Dotsenko Artem
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      • Re: Please advise which DSLR to choose for a beginner?

        Nikon D3100 or Canon EOS 1100?

        What budget do you have? You will take not only a camera, but also a lens.

        4 Reply from Oleg Panin 12/10/2012 18:20:23

        • Oleg Panin
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        • Re: Please advise which DSLR to choose for a beginner?

          Nikon D3200. Very good new product.

          5 Reply from dima_paschina 12/10/2012 18:37:13

          • dima_paschina
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          • Re: Please advise which DSLR to choose for a beginner?

            Nikon D3100 or Canon EOS 1100?

            What budget do you have? You will take not only a camera, but also a lens.

            I don’t have much of a budget yet, at first I’m thinking of using a Kit lens

            6 Reply from Serge-Rad 12/10/2012 07:11:35 PM (12/10/2012 07:36:40 PM edited by Serge-Rad)

            • Serge-Rad
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            • Re: Please advise which DSLR to choose for a beginner?

              While I don’t have much of a budget, at first I’m thinking of using a Kit lens.

              I'm also not particularly rich on a budget. I also chose my first DSLR. I chose the D3100, but didn’t want to take a kit lens (18-55 mm). I took the kit 18-105 mm in the kit. For now it's enough. Of course I would like 18-200 mm, but this is not included in the kits. And that's how much it costs.

              7 Reply from Oleg Panin 12/10/2012 20:02:30

              • Oleg Panin
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              • Re: Please advise which DSLR to choose for a beginner?

                I tested the 18-105 and 18-200 at all focuses, the 18-105 is sharper, the 18-200 after about 120 starts to lather and decently, the only thing is that the 100mm portrait seems to be a little better with the 18-200, but for that kind of money it’s not needed. I have tested many lenses, and for cropped matrices the 18-105 is the most successful. For example, 35 prime is a little sharper, but this is only visible at 100% crop. It’s better to come to the store and try it yourself, and at home you can see everything on your computer.

                8 Reply from Serge-Rad 12/10/2012 20:21:01 (12/10/2012 20:27:00 edited by Serge-Rad)

                • Serge-Rad
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                • Re: Please advise which DSLR to choose for a beginner?

                  Oleg Panin, thank you. It means I made the right choice. But if the fix is ​​not much sharper, and the babos is a little difficult for such things, then you can get by with the 105th?

                  9 Reply from dima_paschina 12/10/2012 22:46:13

                  • dima_paschina
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                  • Re: Please advise which DSLR to choose for a beginner?

                    thanks a lot for the advice! As a beginner, I learned very useful information.

                    10 Reply from PanteleeV 12/10/2012 23:52:11

                    • PanteleeV
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                    • Re: Please advise which DSLR to choose for a beginner?

                      I have tested many lenses, and for cropped matrices the 18-105 is the most successful.

                      I also had a lot of different glasses, and tested a bunch of everything and wrote about small types. And perhaps I fully support you. 18-105 in terms of price-focal-quality ratio, one of the best glasses on earth! no matter how funny it is.

                      Of course, for landscapes and in general it makes sense to take 16-85! BUT! the difference there is 5% of the area at the edges of the frame and in the stub. 16-85 is sharper at the edges of the frame and the stub works a little better. THIS IS ALL!

                      11 Reply from MarinaMV 12/14/2012 21:03:14 (12/14/2012 21:04:29 edited by MarinaMV)

                      • MarinaMV
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                      • Re: Please advise which DSLR to choose for a beginner?

                        Hello! Please help me choose. I'm a beginner, but I shot a Nikon 3100 with a Tamron XR DISP AF 28-75, f/2.8 macro lens. The camera is working, but after working on it, I have a great desire to change my Canon soap dish. I was looking at a Nikon 5100 for home, but didn’t like the 18-55 lens. Now I'm looking towards Nikon d90 with an 18-105 lens. The price of 5100 and d90 with 18-105 lenses is approximately the same. So the question is, for a beginner who has just started taking photos, what do you recommend? Or maybe he can buy a 3100 or 3200 body and a normal lens? Taking into account the fact that it is unlikely that it will be possible to change the carcass in the next 5 years.

                        12 Reply from Lupus 12/15/2012 23:24:21

                        • Lupus
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                        • Re: Please advise which DSLR to choose for a beginner?

                          MarinaMV, It’s better to take Nikon D5100 (18-105VR) it will be newer. Advantages: more megapixels (this is a little controversial), higher ISO, 1080 video recording (30 frames) in MOV format (h.264 codec encodes videos with more complex and high-quality algorithms). I myself chose between it and the Canon EOS 650D, but for me Canon is much more convenient in control and video shooting + in the future the cheapest lens 50 1.8. Comparative characteristics

                          13 Reply from doka-alex 17.12.2012 23:00:54

                          • doka-alex
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                          • Re: Please advise which DSLR to choose for a beginner?

                            First decide for yourself what you will do with the footage. If you just post it on the Internet, view it on a monitor and print it no larger than A4, then 12 megapixels will be more than enough for you. It is very convenient to have a second display on the carcass and a cheap remote control. The D90 c 18-105 is what you need, and with the battery grip it’s an ideal grip for any hand. It was released a long time ago, but the demand for it is not decreasing. So MarinaMV needs to be taken not only what is newer, but what is more reliable. I gave the D90 to my daughter because I was sorry to sell it and the photographs of my grandson turned out great, and at one time I sold the entry-level D60 DSLR without regret.

                            14 Reply from Eva 12/19/2012 09:24:03

                            • Eva
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                            • Re: Please advise which DSLR to choose for a beginner?

                              MarinaMV, Nikon 5100 - considered an amateur camera, Nikon D90 - semi-professional. The 5100 has more features with ready-made photography scenarios, a rotating screen, more megapixels, and full HD video. I have a D90 - there are no features/effects with photography scenarios, there is no rotating screen - I don’t feel a shortage of them. There are enough pixels. I practically don’t use video, and it’s a pity to strain the matrix once again. I advise you to buy an inexpensive Nikon 50mm f/1.8G AF-S Nikkor portrait camera for your DSLR (I personally bought it in a store for 5t), but its autofocus will not work on the 5100, but it will on the D 90. True, it is fixed, you can only zoom in and out with your feet (but we girls only benefit from this, we will be slimmer)))

                              How to choose a DSLR camera for a beginner

                              Choosing a SLR camera for beginners and novice photographers: price and technical characteristics

                              Best DSLR Cameras for Beginners

                              Our first patient is the Canon EOS 1100D.

                              This is currently the cheapest SLR camera sold in Russia. Sellers ask for no more than 15 thousand rubles for a kit kit. The amount seems decent. But in fact, this is ridiculous money; usually DSLR cameras cost much more. Stores claim that this is the best DSLR camera for beginners. But is this really so? Unfortunately, you won't get anything good for that kind of money. Firstly, the matrix of this camera has a modest 12-megapixel resolution. Some smartphones are already capable of providing higher resolution. This sensor is also slightly smaller than those used in other Canon DSLRs.

                              You won't like the appearance of the camera either. The device seems too plastic and compact. Even the buttons on the Canon EOS 1100D don't press as well as they should. The main disappointment is the video recording function. The image resolution is only 1280 x 720 pixels. Moreover, the frequency is also 25 frames per second. It immediately becomes clear that the processor inside is not the most powerful. However, its power is enough for continuous shooting at a speed of 3 frames per second. It is amazing. Apparently, the low resolution of the photographs has an effect.

                              SLR camera for a beginner photographer

                              Let's not focus on the cheapest camera from Canon.

                              It cannot be recommended even for beginners. You should take a look at the Nikon D3100 instead. Its cost is 17,500 rubles (set with a kit lens). If you don't want to spend more than twenty thousand rubles, then this is an excellent choice. The body of this camera is also made of plastic, but of a higher quality. The materials used allowed the creators to minimize the weight of the camera. Beginners will definitely be able to hold the device in their hands. If you're looking for the best DSLR cameras for beginners, the D3100 will definitely be on the list. The device is equipped with a three-inch LCD display. However, you shouldn't rely too much on this screen. It should only be used to view menus and make settings. The camera has a Live View mode, but it consumes too much power, and the image is too dim.

                              The matrix installed in the Nikon D3100 camera is standard; it has dimensions of 23 x 15.5 mm. But its resolution is not the highest - only 14.8 megapixels. Printing a photo as a poster obviously won’t work. However, for printing in A4 format this image resolution is quite suitable. Not to mention posting photos on social networks.

                              In burst mode, the device produces three frames per second. The video is recorded in a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels. The only drawback is that when shooting video, automatic focusing disappears; instead, you need to manually focus. But this applies to absolutely all entry-level SLR cameras.

                              The only thing that spoils the impression of the camera a little is the low resolution of the LCD display. Also confusing is the lack of functions for automatic panorama shooting and HDR images. But you definitely won’t find anything better than the Nikon D3100 for the money. You can also take a closer look at the followers of this model, which cost about the same money.

                              Choosing a DSLR camera for beginners

                              Nikon D5100 is a camera of a slightly different level.

                              If you don’t regret about 22 thousand rubles, you will get a camera with a rotating display. And you don’t need to think that such a screen is needed only for video cameras. The rotating display allows you to shoot from different angles, even from the most unusual and inconvenient ones. The Live Veiw mode on this camera works great. The picture is visible in all details due to the high resolution of the display. In this regard, the device easily surpasses the previously described Nikon D3100. The matrix of this DSLR is equipped with an optimal 16-megapixel resolution. Sensitivity is also high - the developers offer a choice from the ISO 100-6400 range. This suggests that the camera takes good pictures even in low light. The device also has a built-in flash, the range of which reaches 12 meters.

                              With the Nikon D5100 camera you can even do reportage photography. This is facilitated by an excellent burst mode, in which the device creates up to four pictures per second. This model is also suitable for video shooting. As a result, you will get an excellent picture in Full HD resolution. The frequency is 30 frames per second. The device also has several modern features that are not found in the D3100. For example, this is shooting HDR images. This camera also has an infrared sensor, which gives the owner the ability to control it remotely (the remote control must be purchased separately).

                              Without any doubt, this is a great DSLR camera for beginners. The price is not very encouraging, but it doesn’t look prohibitive either. The D3100 and D5100 are approximately equal in photo quality. But the latter wins a little, mainly due to the higher resolution of the matrix.

                              How to choose an amateur SLR camera

                              The Japanese company Canon makes excellent DSLRs for professionals.

                              But entry-level devices do not always live up to expectations. The 1100D has already been mentioned above. Also featured in this segment is the Canon EOS 600D, another DSLR camera for the novice photographer. In Russian retail it is sold for 23,500 rubles. The camera has an ISO range of 100-6400. Nothing supernatural, but you can shoot in low light conditions. The matrix measures 22.3 x 14.9 mm. High resolution, 18 megapixels. Surprisingly, the creators managed to cope with so many photocells and they do not interfere with each other. Digital noise only occurs at very high sensitivities.

                              The camera also performs excellently in continuous shooting, delivering 3.7 frames per second. The maximum series is 34 photographs. But there's one catch. This indicator is relevant for shooting in JPEG format. If you save photos in RAW format, the clipboard will exhaust its capabilities after six frames.

                              Otherwise, the characteristics of the Canon EOS 600D are similar to the previously reviewed D5100. The video here is also recorded in Full HD resolution at a speed of 25 frames per second. However, this camera does not have HDR photography and some other modern features. This is somewhat upsetting. The camera is slightly inferior in terms of battery life.

                              Prices for DSLR cameras for beginners

                              Now let's touch on the topic of how to choose a DSLR camera for a beginner.

                              Without this, it is impossible to determine the winner of our comparison. First of all, forget about the matrix size. It is installed approximately the same in entry-level cameras. In Nikon products, the sensor is a few tenths of a millimeter larger, but this does not play a special role. But you should pay attention to the resolution of the matrix. If you are going to look at pictures in all details and print them in large format, then the resolution should be higher. You can also choose an amateur SLR camera based on its design. Hold several models in your hands and appreciate the ease of pressing buttons and using the LCD display. By the way, the screen must be high resolution. But only if you plan to regularly use Live View mode.

                              When you constantly work with a smartphone, you might have gotten used to some “smart” features. Then it is important to have modern functions in a DSLR camera. Without HDR capabilities, you'll be bored.

                              Summing up
                              So, this moment has come. We choose a DSLR camera for beginners. Of the four cameras reviewed, the Canon 1100D immediately flies past the buyer. This is a misunderstanding that should disappear from store shelves as soon as possible. The clear winner of this unique competition is the Nikon D3100. For little money, a person will receive up-to-date functionality.

                              The other two cameras are designed for people who can pay a fairly decent amount for equipment. They both have a high-resolution rotating LCD display, which comes to the rescue when shooting in Live View mode. Both cameras are approximately equal in technical characteristics. But the Nikon D5100 still looks more beautiful in appearance.

                              15 Best DSLR Cameras

                              According to the Japan BCN Award, the modern market of SLR cameras is not just occupied by Japanese manufacturers, but has actually turned into a battlefield of titans - Canon with 61.1% of the market and Nikon with 34.4% have essentially divided it, the share of cameras from the same Sony , which recently had high hopes for their launch in the DSLR segment, is scanty. Yes, whatever one may say, during the invasion of mirrorless system cameras only the recognized giants of the genre remain afloat.

                              Even though in recent years there have been more and more shouts that “DSLRs” are outdated, and modern mirrorless cameras completely cover their capabilities despite their obvious advantages, this market segment is not going to die. Moreover, we are talking not only about the professional segment, where at least inertia means a lot: you must agree, having accumulated more than one lens, say, the Canon EF “L” series, no one will switch to a mirrorless camera with a different mount - and that’s why Canon continues maintain the championship in photojournalism with his “five” and “one” to this day. A certain decline in the DSLR camera market was largely due to the amateur segment - those who just want to “take a beautiful photo” have enough not only mirrorless cameras, but also more or less decent smartphones.

                              However, whatever one may say, even for an amateur, SLR cameras provide serious advantages: for example, the ability to use a huge number of lenses from the secondary market, including even Soviet ones with an inexpensive adapter - this is important in conditions of a limited budget. The same Canon EOS will allow you to acquire a high-aperture “portrait” lens extremely cheaply (“Helios-44” still has a lot left, and we haven’t even mentioned the old Japanese “glasses” from Ebay), but replacing whale glass with a system UPC will already cost a significant amount . Well, we won’t even talk about “digital point-and-shoot cameras” with non-replaceable optics, and especially camera phones.

                              However, given the obvious migration of the main demand to the semi- and professional segment, we will change the conditions for selecting SLR cameras compared to the previous version of the rating, concentrating on the seriousness of the camera’s capabilities - if you’re going to buy a “DSLR”, it’s definitely not for “playing around, exposing” on Avito and return to your smartphone.”

                              The tendency of many functions to “flow” from the professional segment to the amateur segment fairly confuses the classification of cameras by user groups. But when creating the TOP 15 SLR cameras, you cannot do without their classification.

                              Let's agree on terms

                              • Professional SLR cameras are, first of all, not even about the quality of the matrix and the abundance of settings, not about dust and moisture protection, but about a resource. When the number of shots taken per day approaches four figures, it is the resource that becomes most important: imagine a shutter failure during an important report. Unpleasant? That's it.
                              • The semi-professional segment is, in fact, simplified “pro” cameras, often retaining a considerable part of the “hardware” from older models. In general, in skillful hands the difference will be small, except that semi-professional cameras do not have a “machine-gun” burst shooting speed, and the shutter resource is shorter.
                              • The amateur segment of SLR cameras has long been divided into two by both manufacturers and the regulations of world awards: “for beginners” and “for advanced enthusiasts” . The first one, frankly speaking, is boring: maximum reduction in price (down to plastic mounts), minimum settings, but a lot of auto modes. But “advanced amateur” SLR cameras are quite interesting: they have more opportunities for creative work and a higher resource. Well, after installing resident programs like Magic Lantern, they also acquire functionality familiar to the semi-professional segment: in conditions of a limited budget, such a DSLR may already be of interest.

                              Rating of the best SLR cameras of 2018 - early 2019

                              Category Place Name Rating Price
                              Best DSLR Cameras for Beginners 1 Nikon D3500 Kit 9.8 / 10 25 370
                              2 Nikon D5300 Kit 9.6 / 10 32 490
                              3 Canon EOS 2000D 9.3 / 10 23 080
                              4 Canon EOS 1300D Kit 9.2 / 10 20 200
                              The best DSLR cameras of the “advanced amateur” level 1 Canon EOS 800D Kit 9.7 / 10 39 750
                              2 Nikon D5600 Kit 9.6 / 10 35 099
                              3 Canon EOS 200D Kit 9.3 / 10 34 973
                              The best semi-professional DSLR cameras 1 Canon EOS 6D Mark II Body 9.8 / 10 85 900
                              2 Nikon D610 Body 9.7 / 10 57 690
                              3 Canon EOS 6D Body 9.7 / 10 58 840
                              4 Nikon D7500 Body 9.6 / 10 52 950
                              5 Sony Alpha ILCA-77M2 Body 9.5 / 10 81 000
                              The best professional DSLR cameras 1 Canon EOS 1D X Mark II Body 10 / 10 278 690
                              2 Nikon D5 Body 9.9 / 10 321 990
                              3 Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Body 9.8 / 10 133 290
                              4 Canon EOS 5DSR Body 9.7 / 10 117 990
                              5 Pentax K-1 Body 9.5 / 10 109 998

                              Best DSLR Cameras for Beginners

                              The camera, which won the TIPA Awards Best DSLR Camera award in 2019, at the very least, at a price per kit, still fits into the framework adequate for Russian understanding, although, of course, with an eye on great opportunities, someone with such an amount will go for the secondary market. By the way, there are as many as seven whale options: we won’t tediously list them, but we note that, in addition to the classic 18-55 or 18-140 zooms for cropped cameras, you can take a DSLR with a portrait high-aperture “thirty-five”, and with a very specific telephoto 70 -300.

                              The camera inherited a lot from the previous D3400 model. First of all, this is the same 24 “megadot” matrix, which, in general, allows you to confidently print on A3 format and even more (if you try), 11-point autofocus and the ability to shoot FullHD video at 60 fps - so you You will be able to join the cohort of photographers and, God forbid, video bloggers. However, there are serious changes in ergonomics - less weight, a completely different shape of the handle, a different arrangement of buttons (by the way, much more convenient and similar to Canon, hehe) and - lo and behold! – fewer auto modes! Well, the latter for a good SLR camera for a novice photographer is not a fact that it’s a plus, it’s rather the personal opinion of the author, who would be happy to leave only aperture priority, shutter priority and “manual” on the selector. However, “creative effects” like selective color removal were left in - if you don’t want to master Lightroom and Photoshop, but are just going to snap frames into an on-camera JPEG, they will come in handy. Are you into street photography? Well, the camera turns on quickly, and your finger immediately hits the shutter button, located just inside the switch.

                              Another change compared to its predecessor is twice the autonomy, and on exactly the same battery. So you don’t have to think too much about buying spare batteries or even a battery handle: you’ll have to try very hard to drain the battery, even if you constantly use Live View and synchronization with your smartphone.

How to choose a DSLR and learn to take great photos! Link to main publication
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