Children's photo shoot. Winter

Children's photo shoot. Winter

Each of us loves our child. It’s simply impossible not to love children. Especially our own and especially when they are little. That’s why we (especially mothers) love to photograph our beloved sons and daughters. We photograph them always and everywhere: in kindergarten and on the street, at home and visiting grandma, on a walk in the city park and on vacation at sea, at lunch, while playing and even while sleeping. Fortunately, the conditions of modern life make it possible to always have a small and light camera or at least a phone with a built-in camera on hand.

We especially often photograph children on walks. In the spring, when nature wakes up and the first greenery appears on the branches of the trees, in the summer, when a multi-colored riot of flowers is fragrant in the flower beds all around, in the fall, when yellow and red fallen leaves lie like a carpet on the ground, and, of course, in winter! In winter, when the bright and white snow shimmers in the rays of the sun. When you can ski and skate, sled down a hill, build a snowman... Children, unlike us adults, are not afraid of any bad weather. Whether it's raining, frosty, or windy, children always love to go for a walk. They are always ready to have fun until they drop without noticing anything around them. Well, tell me, why not use this chance and take at least a few photos for the family album!

Let’s talk about this today – about how to photograph children in winter. Moreover, winter has almost completely come into its own!

First of all, in this regard, it must be said that an outdoor winter photo shoot has many features. They are worth taking into account.

What to take with you on a winter photo walk with your child

You need to take a lot of things that you don’t usually take with you. First of all, take care of a spare charged battery or a fresh set of batteries. In cold weather, any power source discharges much faster. That’s why you need to store them not in a bag, but closer to warmth – that is, to your own body. Simply put, under all jackets and sweaters in the inside pocket.

You will also need a lens hood. For what? Let me explain. In winter, the sunlight can be very bright, and the snow lying around is dazzling white. Therefore, it amplifies this sunlight many times over. Like a natural reflector. And, naturally, it gives a huge amount of glare that you don’t need. This is what a simple device like a lens hood will protect you from. The hood will also, to some extent, protect against accidental splashes and snow falling on the front lenses of your camera lens, which, of course, is completely undesirable. However, it doesn’t hurt to take a dry napkin with you either. We warn you: under no circumstances should it be wet on your hands or face! Using such a napkin will destroy the lens. After all, it is impregnated with special cosmetics and even creams, which will then be very difficult to remove from the lens.

How to properly set up your camera

If it is cloudy outside, then you need to take photographs at a photosensitivity of 400-800 ISO units. Set the shutter speed to 1/200 second or even longer. It all depends on what and where you shoot and with what lens. We recommend avoiding the flash, especially if it is built-in. If it is cloudy outside, then when shooting with flash, the background in the pictures will turn out to be too dark. If the frames are very dark, you can use exposure compensation or even open the aperture to the maximum.

In sunny weather, light sensitivity should be minimal, approximately 100-200 ISO units, and the shutter speed should be quite short: 1/400 second or shorter. The diaphragm needs to be closed.

When shooting on a sunny winter day, camera settings are a rather controversial matter. Every photographer works differently. Even if you photograph the same child from different angles using the same settings, your photos may turn out either dark or overexposed. To avoid this, you need to correctly adjust the white balance - manually on white snow. In this case everything should be fine.

Come up with an interesting story!

Probably the most popular idea for a children's winter outdoor photo shoot is to ask your child to build a snowman. If the child is small, then you can help him in this difficult task for him. But if you are both a parent and a photographer, you will have to take pictures and build a snowman at the same time. At the same time, do not forget to change angles and shooting points. If the camera is not in your hands, things become much easier. You can just work with your child, and the photographer will do his job.

If you don’t want to sculpt a snowman, or weather conditions do not allow you to do this exciting activity (for example, it’s quite cold outside and the snow is not sticky), you can come up with some other fun for your child. You can play snowballs with him. Or ask him to throw snow with a shovel or just with his hands. In the end, let him just fool around and roll in the snow. Let him slide down the slide several times. The main thing here is that the child should be natural, and not tensely posing. Give him freedom, evoke real, living and natural emotions in him.

In this regard, I would like to remind you of one very important and significant detail of a winter children’s photo shoot. “Catch the child sliding down the slide in the frame exactly when he has almost moved down it. The picture in this case will turn out to be the most dynamic and emotional. This has been tested in practice!

We also recommend photographing the baby from eye level. Simply put, squat down and shoot. What is it for? In order for you to have in the frame not only the arms and legs of the person you are photographing, but also his face beaming with joy. Don't forget to review the shots you took from time to time. If they turn out blurry, too dark or too light, change the camera settings and shoot this scene again.

When photographing a child, you need to change the shooting point as often as possible. You should not limit yourself only to the usual average and general plans. You can and should do close-ups, down to the details. Try, for example, to photograph joyful children's eyes in the entire frame! Accents can be placed on a lump of snow, or on some branch in the baby’s hands. On anything.

Another idea is to photograph your child not alone, but with someone. With brothers and sisters, for example. And if they are not there, then with friends. In the end, let mom or dad ride the slide with the child themselves! What if you take another member of your family for a walk? Four-legged! A cat or a dog! In short, think. Fantasize. And don't be afraid of anything. Take photos however you want and whatever you want! After all, winter is joy!

Children's winter photo shoot / Winter photo shoot for children

Winter photo sessions for children have become increasingly popular lately. After all, this is the best way to preserve the wonderful moments of your baby’s childhood in memory.

For photographers, this is the most fun, active and unpredictable type of shooting: small models strive to run away from the frame or test the strength of the props. Therefore, entrust your children's photo shoot to professionals - then everyone will truly enjoy the process and result of the shooting.

For those who want to decorate their family archive with memorable shots of a happy snowy childhood, we offer several original ideas.

Let's make a snowman

The secret to a successful photo shoot for children is the ability to interest the child. What do kids like? Of course, make snowmen! Film the entire process - from rolling the first snow globes to decorating the finished figurine with a scarf and a carrot nose (which should be taken care of in advance).

Examples of photos from the Internet:


No real winter is complete without this fun. Shooting on a sled can be either dynamic (parents ride a child, children ride each other or a favorite toy) or static (a child sits on a sled). It would be great if it was a large wooden sleigh - it would make the frame especially colorful.


When photographing children, avoid the most important mistake - don’t force them to pose. Let the child simply walk through a park or forest clearing, try the fluffy mountains of snow, and examine the spruce branches by touch.

Want to add some flair to your shot? Take some simple props with you to the shoot - a basket of apples, a highchair, a spatula, a soft toy. For contrast, choose brightly colored items.

Photos with animals

If you have a dog, take it to the photo shoot! (Just be sure to check with the photographer.) You can harness a large breed dog in a sled or just let them frolic in the snow. Both the baby and the pet will be delighted with the walk together, and the parents will be delighted with the resulting shots.

Examples of photographs from the Internet - a photo shoot can be with a variety of animals:

Bring bread crumbs with you to feed the birds. Tits and bullfinches will make your photos bright and truly fabulous.

One hundred clothes

The shots are very touching and tender when a large painted scarf or knitted shawl is put on a child. A bundled up face with blush on the cheeks looks especially touching and spontaneous. You can give your baby a fir branch or a garland of bagels - and you’re ready for a colorful image from a Russian folk tale.

Examples of photos from the Internet:

Fairytale image

Of all the seasons, winter is most associated with fairy tales! Why not add a little magic to your child's clothes? It can be a simple cape, a tutu skirt or an elaborate look.

New Year's photo shoot for kids: the best ideas

The January holidays are coming soon, it's time to collect ideas for a New Year's photo shoot. And if you have a baby, then you need to prepare especially carefully. For the child, everything will be the first time: New Year, Christmas tree, gifts, lights, Santa Claus.

Of course, the baby is unlikely to remember this, but you will get a lot of positive emotions from the whole process and from viewing photographs in the future.

Taking pictures of babies so that they turn out very beautiful and tender is not easy. To do this, you can call a professional photographer and go to the studio. But if this is not possible, do not despair. Prepare accessories and everything that a little model may need during filming. Don't forget to feed your baby before you start. Grab your camera and start shooting!

In order to come up with a shooting plot and better prepare for it, the website “Mom can do anything!” I have collected for you the best ideas for a baby photo shoot.

If you are lucky and have two children, then these ideas are for you:

Children's photo shoot. Winter

Children change so quickly, and parents want to remember every second, every smile of their baby. I will be very happy to help you preserve all these happy moments for life!

Children's photographer Olga Gorchichko
Grodno, Belarus

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Winter family photo shoot

And this is almost a hint of the approaching spring!

Winter family photo session in Grodno, family photo session, photo shoot in the forest in winter
Children's photographer Olga Gorchichko

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Children's photographer Olga Gorchichko, Grodno, Belarus


Olya, I sincerely thank you for such a fun winter shoot. I personally know what difficult, painstaking and joyful work it is.
I wish you success, health, joyful filming, successful shots, decent remuneration for your work. HAVANA

Children's photo shoot. Winter

9 secrets to a successful winter photo shoot

When imagining outdoor family photography, many people picture green trees, grass and sunny weather in their minds. However, in winter you can also get beautiful family photos without compromising your health if you plan and think through a winter photo shoot in advance.

1. Choose a location and wait for it to snow

Select a location in advance for shooting outdoors in winter. Thus, you will reduce the time spent searching on the day of the winter photo shoot and will not have time to get tired and cold. If possible, wait for snow. If the weather is unlucky, take more close-up photos. This way you will show less slush and put more emphasis on winter attributes.

2. Dress warmly and comfortably

When choosing clothes for a winter family photo shoot, it’s good to remember thermal underwear. It does not hinder movement and protects against hypothermia. Remember that all participants in family photography should be dressed in the same style and color scheme.

3. Don’t forget a thermos of tea and cookies

During the shoot, you can organize a winter picnic and create a relaxed atmosphere. The fresh air, and especially the frosty air, works up an appetite, so take cookies or sandwiches with you when shooting outside, and a hot drink will help warm your hands and improve your mood.

4. Add bright accents to your look

A great idea for a family look at a street photo shoot is matching bright accessories. These can be scarves, hats, mittens, leg warmers. It will be enough to wear one thing for each participant in the photo shoot. This way, regular outerwear will look better in winter photographs.

5. Prepare a change of clothes

If you are preparing for a winter photo shoot with children, take a set of spare clothes with you. You want to relax and enjoy the shooting, and not worry that your child will get his clothes wet in the snow and get sick.

6. Take sleds, skis, skates

Perhaps the main attributes of fun in snowy weather! Imagine how much joy there will be on the face of a child sledding down the mountain! And what genuine emotions will a teenager have when trying to skate for the first time?

7. Build an unusual snowman

Design your own snowman and build him during a winter family photo shoot. Children will happily accept this idea and will participate in decorating the snowman.

8. Playing snowballs will warm you up and cheer you up.

What else to do during winter children's photography? Of course, play in the snow! And your mood is guaranteed to improve and keep you warm.

9. Use Christmas accessories

Be sure to add New Year's magic to your winter photo shoot! Christmas tree decorations, beautiful candles, wrapped gifts, fragrant tangerines - colorful accents for outdoor winter photography.

Winter photo shoot

If the winter cold brings sad thoughts to you and you want summer to come, then don’t be discouraged. This time can be used profitably and even at this time you can have a good rest and take beautiful pictures. A winter photo shoot is a great opportunity to have a good rest. Although winter means severe frosts, it also means snow-covered trees in parks, forests, along sidewalks, at this time the snow sparkles under the sun and this beauty can be used for a photo shoot. All this beauty was created for only one thing, so that we could film it with a camera and take beautiful pictures. And in winter there are many ideas for photography, the main thing is to force yourself to crawl outside. In this article we'll look at some ideas for shooting during this time.

Our winter photography experts are ready to help you take unforgettable pictures that will delight your heart for the rest of your life.

How to prepare for a winter photo shoot

Let's look at some tips for those who decide to conduct such a photo shoot. This applies only to those who act as models, photographers, and they themselves know how to conduct such photography. Remember that such photography lasts not just a few minutes, but sometimes several hours, so make sure you have warm tea in a thermos with you; by the way, this prop can be used for photography. And sometimes after shooting, especially if you are photographed in the cold in light clothes, you need to force yourself to drink a cup of tea and wrap yourself in warm clothes in order to warm up the body.

Don't forget to try to take into account even the smallest details before the photo shoot. Make sure you have already made your makkiyah at home, and also bring the necessary makeup products with you. Try to use products that have a lasting effect.

Take foundation with you to the shoot. Bring powder in a compact package, cotton swabs, and if you have a small cosmetic bag, this will allow you to touch up your makeup while shooting.

Try to rehearse poses for a winter photo shoot at home, they can be found on the Internet and we will look at some later. Remember, in the cold it will be difficult to take the desired shot if you do not learn how to do it at home.

Try to set a clear task for the photographer, and for this you need to decide on it at home.

Ideas for a photo shoot in winter

In winter, we feel sad because of the gray skies that characterize this time. This is a great opportunity to create a drama-themed photo shoot. To do this, you can focus on the gray, scary sky. And we can contrast this with autumn, its yellow leaves.

To do this, find a beautiful tree in a forest or park that is covered with snow. Lean a little against the trunk and take a photo near it. Trees with brightly colored berries look good in photographs. These can be rowan berries, hawthorn, viburnum or rose hips.

Games in winter:

For such a photo shoot, you can go for a walk with your whole family, your children and your husband, and have a fun shoot in winter. You can play snowballs, sled down a hill or each other, build a snowman. That is, you just need to enjoy the winter weather and take photos at this time.

Where you can film - in any yard or park.

You should dress in such a way that you are comfortable and the clothes should be simple. You can wear insulated winter suits and winter boots. Also bring bright hats and scarves with you - this will have a positive effect on the photographs.

Accessories. There's nothing special to take. Don't forget to bring the sled you'll be riding on.

There is no need to come up with poses at this time, just play games, have fun, and the photographer will do his job. You can build a pregnant snowman and play snowballs.

Snow queen image:

You like the fairy tale The Snow Queen, and you want to apply her image to yourself. Take advantage of the winter landscape and do a photo shoot. What's the best way to do this?

  1. It is better to organize photography in a deserted place, or better yet, in the forest.
  2. You can use a crystal or glass ball as accessories; this will help the snow queen see everything that is happening in her domain. You can use a magic wand or cane.
  3. For clothing, it is better to use a white or silver dress and a white fur coat; you can borrow it from someone and put it on top of the dress. Also wear white boots with long heels.
  4. For makeup, it is better to use cool-colored products. It can be white powder, white or pearl-colored shadows, which are sure to shimmer. It is better to make your lips white; for this you can use white paint or white lipstick.
  5. To get the right poses, think about how the snow queen behaves. Imagine yourself in her image.

All these tips will help you organize a wonderful winter photo shoot as a snow queen.

If you want to take a walk in winter, then use this circumstance for a photo shoot:

  1. You can use any place where there is a lot of snow for shooting.
  2. For clothing, you can use the one in which you prefer to walk down the street.
  3. No accessories needed.
  4. For makeup, use products that will highlight your femininity, but will not be too bright.
  5. If you are thinking about poses, then don’t bother. Just walk the streets, smile, look at everything that comes your way. You can do a winter photo shoot with a girlfriend or boyfriend.

In this article, we examined only some of the issues of preparing for a photo shoot in winter, as well as only some ideas for it. If you want to take the perfect photo shoot, then our specialists are ready to help you with this.

New Year's photo shoot from 8500 RUR

Choose an interior


Our studio has a huge number of accessories for photo shoots; you can choose them either when you come to us or on our website in the WARDROBE section.

The cost of renting accessories is already included in the photo shoot!


There are more than a hundred outfits to choose from for your photo shoot; you can appear in any of the looks you like. Clothes for a photo shoot can be viewed on the WARDROBE page.

The cost of renting clothes is already included in the photo shoot!


Hair styling is performed by a professional makeup artist, guided by your wishes and preferences. We will make sure that your image, combined with clothes and interior design, looks as harmonious as possible, and the styling complements it.

The cost of styling is already included in the photo shoot!


Makeup in our photo studio is performed by real masters of their craft. Throughout the year, our makeup artists participate in the preparation of world-class fashion shows, professional seminars and master classes, as evidenced by the many certificates that you can see when entering the photo studio. You will be truly delighted with the resulting result.

The cost of makeup is already included in the photo shoot!

Photo studio rental

Our photo studio has 8 beautiful interiors for photo sessions, and the studio itself is equipped with the latest technology!

The cost of renting a photo studio is already included in the photo shoot!

    Photo studio rental Clothes for a photo shoot Makeup Styling Photo processing Entire photo session Personalized text in the certificate Standard or individual Photo session participants up to 5 people Number of interiors 1 interior Photo session time 1 hour
  • 8500rub
  • Order
    Photo studio rental Clothes for a photo shoot Makeup Styling Photo processing Entire photo session Personalized text in the certificate Standard or individual Photo session participants up to 5 people Number of interiors 2 interiors Photo session time 1.5 hours
  • 12800rub
  • Order
    Photo studio rental Clothes for a photo shoot Makeup Styling Photo processing Entire photo session Personalized text in the certificate Standard or individual Photo session participants up to 5 people Number of interiors 3 interiors Photo session time 2 hours
  • 17100rub
  • Order
    Photo studio rental Clothes for a photo shoot Makeup Styling Photo processing Entire photo session Personalized text in the certificate Standard or individual Photo session participants up to 5 people Number of interiors 8 interiors Photo session time 4 hours
  • 25700rub
  • Order

Thanks to the fact that we were able to provide the best conditions for a photo shoot, many dates are already almost fully booked for the whole day.

In order not to miss a convenient time for yourself, book a time for your photo session right now and no one will take it

You can also order a gift certificate for a photo shoot for your loved ones

A New Year's photo shoot is a great opportunity to capture the absolutely wonderful and magical time of the New Year holidays. This event is sure to please and be remembered by everyone without exception! But why should a New Year’s photo shoot be held in Photo Studio No. 1? There are a number of objective reasons for this.

A large number of New Year's interiors.

Photo Studio No. 1 has a huge number of interiors stylized for the New Year holidays. This will not limit you in the number of locations, and you will be able to conduct photo sessions that are completely different in style, but the same in theme.

Different types of photography.

Our studio offers all kinds of sessions. We conduct children's New Year's photo sessions, winter love stories, and special sessions for pregnant women, as well as many others. Therefore, you will not be constrained in choosing the type of filming.

New Year's clothes.

Photo Studio No. 1 has special clothes for New Year’s photo shoots in all possible sizes and colors, which is great because you don’t have to waste time on separate trips to the store and buying additional clothes for photography. And as we know, in the New Year’s bustle, there is not very much time.

Real professionals.

Photo Studio No. 1 employs highly qualified specialists who have been engaged in New Year's photo shoots for several years now; they will help you create a unique atmosphere and beauty in the frame.

Possibility to make a postcard.

After completing the New Year's photo shoot, you can order a special New Year's card from our designer, which you can send to your family and friends.

For a New Year's photo shoot, our studio offers some of the most reasonable prices in Moscow, which in no way compromises quality. We understand perfectly well how expensive the costs of the New Year are sometimes, so we are reducing prices especially for you.

In addition to all the benefits described above, you can also order a New Year's certificate from us, which will be an excellent gift for the New Year. Both a family, a couple in love or an individual will be happy with such a wonderful gift. This is truly a very nice and practical gift!

We wish you happy holidays!

We are always waiting for you and your loved ones in Photo Studio No. 1!

Children's photo shoot. Winter Link to main publication
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